Since 1999, Tyler Burba and Adam Lakes have collaborated in song-writing, album-making, and live performance. Adam Lakes Band performs in and around the New York city area. Along with Lakes and Burba, the band features Jim Despas on Bass and Bill Wolf on drums.
Reed Bye and Tyler Burba began collaborating in 2000 and have completed two studio albums of Reed's songs as well as performed live in Colorado venues.
Reed Bye is a poet and professor, teaching at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado.
The late great poet Akilah Oliver was a force in the poetry world, causing it to open up its boundaries around issues of gender, race, grieving, and performance.
Akilah and Tyler began collaborating in 2004 after the unjust death of her son Oluchi McDonald, creating "Hold The Space: An Arriving Guard of Angels, Thusly Coming to Greet," a performace, recording and chapbook.
They continued bridging poetry and music in performance for the next seven years until Akilah's untimely passing in 2011.
Since 2015, Christian Hänggi and Tyler Burba have collaborated on a series of public lectures and performances about the works of Thomas Pynchon. Hänggi is a Pynchon scholar and the lectures have focused on musical references and song lyrics found in the novels. His work on music in Pynchon’s novels culminated in Pynchon’s Sound of Music (Diaphanes, 2020). Tyler Burba provided musical settings of some Pynchon’s lyrics for the lectures and this collaboration resulted in the production of an album entitled “Now Everybody” which was released on May 8th, 2020, Thomas Pynchon’s eighty-third birthday. You can buy or learn more about the album here. Currently, they are working on a project which sets Pychon’s lyrics, primarily from Gravity’s Rainbow, to music with big band arrangements.
Long time musical and poetic collaborators, Adam DeGraff and Tyler Burba brought their sense of what poetry performance should be when they began the Kith & Kin Reading series. The series seeks to fill a lacuna in the New York poetry scene, focusing on poets and writers from Queens, as well as bringing poets to the outer borough.
At the readings two to three poets are invited to read with an introduction performed by DeGraff and Burba.
The reading archive is available here:
David Wesson (“Mourning Dav”) and Tyler Burba (“Hummingbird) have been collaborating since 1997 when the founded the neo-Blues band Gods Own Drunk. After playing various venues in Boulder, Colorado, they recorded their eponymously titled album in one night, only to find out that their efforts were for naught when a studio intern erased their work. Unfazed, they returned the following night and did it all again. When the album was finished they parted ways, only reuniting a handful of times over a twenty year span.
In 2020, The pandemic brought them back together, meeting in Boston and New York City to make music as a duo or with drummer/saxophonist Larry Terry and bassist/guitarist Jake Pardee. Their new incarnation would be dubbed “Rocks & Gravel” as a return to their roots in the blues, now as old men.
Experience Rocks & Gravel here.
Since 2020, David and Tyler have collaborated on a variety of educational music programs, performing at synagogues, schools, cultural centers, and elder facilities. Their programs include “Bob Dylan: Defiant Prophet,” a program connecting Bob Dylan with the biblical prophetic tradition, “Jews and Blues,” which traces the cross-pollination of the blues idiom with the Jewish-American tradition, and “Chant Down Babylon,” a performance and talk about the biblical sources of reggae. Check out the programs here.